The world can be a confusing place for our furry companions, but we can help them navigate it.

It can be easy to forget just how overwhelming our human-centric world can be for our dogs. The unpredictability, confusing sights and sounds, and ever-changing dynamics all contribute to the rapidly growing stress-levels in our dogs and their behaviors as a result of it all.

So, what does it mean to be your dog's Canine Confidante?

It means being your dog's support system. His liaison to understanding how to navigate the world around him. The person who will keep him feeling safe and set him up to be successful in the world. It means structuring your dog's routines in a way to suit his needs and yours.

We'll show you the way!

With our new Canine Confidante monthly membership program, we'll show you all you need to know to become your dog's personal confidante. You'll learn the in's and out's of understanding the world from your dog's perspective, how to set her up for success, lower her stress-levels, and improve your overall communication with each other.

You'll also learn that you can do all of these things without needing to find a ton of extra time in your day! You read that right, you don't need to spend hours a day "training" your dog to see positive changes in her quality of life and behaviors.

How it works...

Through Canine Confidante, you'll have access to online lessons you can watch when it fits your schedule. Each month you'll dive into a new lesson-topic i.e:

How Stress Presents Itself in Dogs

Canine Body Language & Stress Signals

Understanding Your Dog's Breed

The Art of Management

Hacks That Make Your Life & Your Dog's Life Easier

Integrating Enrichment into Your Dog's Life

and much more!

In addition, you'll be a part of our private, Canine Confidante Facebook group - only available to members. This is where we'll expand on these monthly topics, you can ask questions, share success stories, and participate in activities designed around each month's discussion topic!

Heck yeah I want to be a member!!